Sunday, June 28, 2009

Chromatic Fun at Nationals

US Track and Field National Championships, Day 4
Today I sold out my remaining few ounces of pride for a $50 gift card to Nike. After a 70 minute AM run around Dorris Ranch in Eugene with Nicks, I met Jon Marcus at the Track Town Pavilion above Hayward Field to begin the sell out. Yesterday afternoon, two girls from Strands (an online training/social networking site) asked if I would help them sell their website in exchange for some Nike money. Thinking this was a good idea, I said yes, then found out I'd be dressed up as the Strands logo.
Knowing this would be a pride reducing venture, I called the good man Marcus in Bend and recruited his assistance. Now, at the Strands booth, we discovered our costumes essentially had the form of a blue and white chromosome. Not wanting to scientifically incorrect, the hand-stitch nature of the outfits made me the Y-chromosome and Jon the X. While we made royal fools of ourselves around the stadium we did manage to spread the word for Strands rather successfully. We owned our roles. Granted, a 300 lb. guard woman called us assholes for making her day difficult because of our shenanigans, but that was balanced out by the other guard lady who said (and I'm not mincing words), ", I don't want to be sexually harassing you, but *pregnant pause*, those costumes make your backsides look very nice." Thank you lady.
I also managed to embarrass Mark Lech pretty handsomely in the costume, but he humored me by posing for a picture, as did the good natured Jordan Horwitz and Ben True. The funny thing was Marcus had all his pictures with ladies, mine with gentlemen. I guess that's just the nature of things.
For the meet today, my large nose got very burnt. Riley Masters ran an aggressive 1500m for the opening 3 laps, but fell to 7th in the final straight of the Jr. Championships. His run was impressive and the kid's showing some serious promise. Corey Conner ran alone in third place for her 1500m championship race for a majority of the laps , but the wind seemed to sap her strength also in the last straight and she finished 5th. Again, she's a true talent. Riley finished the day with the 5000m, but had to step off the track as the bear jumped on his back as a result of the previous two 1500m races he had in the past 24 hours. I have to give it to him, he's a ballsy runner for running a 5K 90 minutes after a 1500. Kick ass.
Now I'm back at Nicks' apartment, awaiting a phone call from Olivia before I hit the road for Crater Lake. If she calls before the sun goes down I'm out of here tonight, but if it's dark by the time I get the wheels rolling I'll stick around and leave after tomorrow morning's run. Plus, there's a massive track party in Eugene tonight and people may want to see me spread my graces to the masses.

Actually, mostly nobody knows who I am outside of the Y-Chromosome costume. That's too bad.

Wagon Miles: Nope, still in PARK

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