Saturday, August 2, 2008

Bridalveil Creek Campground, Yosemite National Park to San Jose, California

Day 47
No bears to bother us this night, but there were more screaming children to wake up to. This trip had taught us one truth about America: there are a lot of people out there who really shouldn't have children...but they still do and that makes a hell of a lot of noise.
Anyways, we stuck camp and drove back to Yosemite Village to hike to Vernal and Nevada Falls. The pathway up to Vernal Falls was paved, meaning it was filled with those above mentioned children, their parents, and too many people too large to hike. The scenery was gorgeous, but the crowds made the hike more hectic than necessary. The path wound along the side of a gorge cutout by the falling water and stopped at the top at a very beautiful pool where signs read about swimming remotely having something to do with dying. We took a quick lunch on some rocks above the pool, having to fend off the grossly over fed and overzealous squirrel.
Continuing up a thousand more feet to Nevada falls, the mobs withered away to a few typical hikers as the path got steeper and the day grew hotter. The base of Nevada Falls was amazing: a few hundred foot free fall of water that hit a smooth rock slide about 1/3 the way up the fall's face making for a nice fan of water. At the top of the falls there were more pools, but with swimmers somewhat ignoring the "Danger, if you go over the falls you will die" signs. We waded in a stream a safe distance from the edge too cool off before snooping over the edge of the falls. The NPS built a lookout right at the cliff's edge, giving an awe inspiring view of the falls.
The hike down was quicker, until we hit the expected traffic at Vernal Falls. While descending, Liv presented a stroke of genius to start working on a collection of excellent running, hiking, and biking routes throughout the country. The idea's a high quality one that's going to have to ferment itself over the next few weeks.
We quickly took lunch at Degan's Cafe in Yosemite Village before driving the 200 miles to Kendrick's in San Jose. The drive was non-eventful, except for a winding mountain road that almost made Liv sick. We could have avoided the route if I had followed her directions, but that didn't happen.
Arriving at Kendrick's 3 hours later starving and 5 days without a shower we were a sad looking group that stood out in the rather upscale apartment complex. They were 45 minutes late meeting us at their place, giving me cause to fine a bathroom on the side of the building while Liv stood guard. Their apartment is very nice and we've been put up on an air mattress that may leak in the living room. We're more than happy with it, especially having Internet, a kitchen, showers, and a pool or two.

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