Friday, August 15, 2008

Kennicott, AK – Porphyry Hike

Day 60

The morning started out cool but sunny, an apparent diversion from the summer’s typical weather pattern.  Meeting for breakfast, the Cyr contingency and I fueled up and hoarded vittles for today’s hike.  Lisa advised us of the best route to Porphyry, heading past the KGL water tanks to find the easily distinguishable trail towards the rock glacier. (Rock glaciers are 10% ice and 90% rock, giving them glacial characteristics without the immediately obvious ice.)

Making our way past the water tanks, we followed the waterlines heading towards National Creek, nearly missing the trail in a few areas but finding our way with relative smoothness.  At the base of the rock glacier, Bonnie had a quality misstep and tumbled into the brush with both feet sticking into the air.  It wou

ld have been funny, but her landing shortly appeared to break an arm.  The arm didn’t break and the hike continued up the glacier without much trouble.

Running along the skree ridge up the north side of Porphyry, we spent about two hours making our way to the summit, clambering on all fours over the nearly razor sharp skree.  Justine made the summit first, slightly startled by the sudden termination of the ridge and Liv took up the rear after a short breather.  The view towards Green Butte and McCarthy Creek are still amazing, increased by not having to solely look at Fireweed Mountain.  A few ridges over, I could pick out the canyon where The Kids and I camped at Peavine Bar. 

Paul and I walked along the ridge, looking down on Nati

onal Pass, and then sending rocks over the edge, crashing a few miles down slope.  The chaos caused by the rocks never seems to get old and we continued chucking rocks well after Justine and Li

v started hiking back.  The return was eventless and the weather stayed beautiful throughout the hike.  The only mishap was my judgment of a 3 hour hike (we were hiking for about 7 hours) and our legs burning from yesterday’s Erie trip.


m also finding out the run up Bonanza still hurts after a few days.  But it’s still worth it.

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