Saturday, August 16, 2008

Kennicott, AK – Work Day

Day 61

We managed to sleep later than planned, resulting in a slightly delayed start to the workday.  Luckily Rich didn’t care and I was put to work clearing brush with Paul on the slope below the South Wing.  The work started out easy

 enough, then Paul starting showing his superior Ninja skills with a chainsaw, cutting four willow trees simultaneously with one pass of the saw.  His craft is more of an art form, and I get the im

pression Rich is even mildly humbled by Paul’s capabilities.

Liv filled he

r day in the kitchen helping Justine.  Baking bread and cookies proved to be harmless, but prepping the onions for lunch resulted in a mild stab wound to the thumb.  It was shrugged off with Olivia’s typical ease as Justine shouted “Hot buns, coming through!” carrying a try of freshly cooked goods.  Jeannie’s command in the kitchen seems to have improved things dramatically from my days working with Carol 

and the food is quite amazing.

Jody and the girls arrived this afternoon and treated the staff to pizza, ice cream, and beer for dinner.  Apparently it’s the end of summer staff party, which our attendance only made the staff slightly bitterer as they worked and we ate.

We planned to do a mill tour this evening, but Justine headed to McCarthy to see off some friends and we ended up throwing rocks at the Kennicrap before heading into the Powerhouse.  The Park Service is getting the Powerhouse 

ready for public tours and it’s been pretty much cleaned out of all the erroneous shit that used to lie around.  The boilers’ size still demands respect, but the darker August nights make exploring them without a flashlight impracticable and dangerous.  Later this week we’ll return for a proper tour.

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