Monday, August 18, 2008

Kennicott, AK – Glacier and Powerhouse Tour

Day 63

We were ready to work today on time, but Rich felt we did our fare share yesterday and gave us the day off.  Liv called Alaska Airlines and moved our flight back a few days so we could help around the lodge a bit longer.  Aside from fighting with the air

line’s website, the change was shockingly easy and only cost $200.

00 – which the lodge is going to pick up graciously.

After a quick lunch, we borrowed some crampons from St. Elias Alpine Guides and headed to the Root Glacier.  The weather was overcast and cool, feeling more like November in Maine than August.  The glacier was dirtier and covered with more ruts than the last time I had walked on it, making our explorations mildly difficult.  Having the crampons attached to running shoes didn’t help either, for us or our shoes.  We scoped out a few rivulets, waterfalls, and tos

sed some rocks into a moulin then called it a day.

Returning to the bunkhouse, Liv read and napped while I updated the journal.  I toyed with the idea of skipping today’s run, then opted to head out for a 30 minute shoot down the wagon road.  Stepping back outside, the clouds had completely departed, fully exposing Mt. Blackburn, Ahatna, Regal & Parka Peaks, a

nd the Stairway Icefall.  The view was amazing and resulted in more than one fist pump.

Heading down the wagon road, I gave shouts to the bears about every 10 seconds.  By the twelfth minute I increased the frequency to every breath as I passed a black bear happily sitting in soapberries and watching me with mild curiosity.  He seemed unconcerned by my presence, but it still gave me a good startle.  Not wanting to visit the bear again, the run was extended to the cross trail at the airstrip, increasing my mileage.  Six minutes later, yelling the entire time, I shocked a second black bear in the brush, sending it up a tree with a great show of displeasure on the bear’s part.  His sudden movement scared the Christ out of me, causing more yells and giving my legs plenty of speed to leave the area.  Somewhat shaken up, I thankfully made it off the wagon road and ran the three miles uphill to Kennicott (possibly disturbing a third bear along the way).

After dinner, Liv, Justine, Paul, and I helpe

d Bonnie in the dining room then headed to the Powerhouse for some breaking and entering.  Justine scampered up a board through a second floor window, then unlocked a side door for the three of us.  We climbed over the massive boilers and investigated some generators that looked to be nearly in working condition.   Paul gave a quick lesson on the workings of the generators, which was quite interesting, before continuing our snooping.  Justine took some dissuading from climbing a sketchy ladder to the catwalks, then I let everyone out before climbing out our entry window.

Tomorrow night Justine and I will probably return to climb the aforementioned ladder and maybe break a few limbs in the process.

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