Sunday, August 17, 2008

Kennicott, AK – Mill Tour

Day 62

We were both drafted into working for our room and board today, continuing to fell trees below the South Wing.  The work was enjoyable, made better by another day of beautiful weather.  By 4PM Liv and I had finished up work and made our way back to the bunkhouse to rest before running.

The run down to McCarthy was a blast from the past, accompanied by Liv for the first 2 miles.  

Our legs were still sore from the past few days of hiking, but the steady downhill grade loosened things up considerably.  Cruising past the airstrip, I passed the typical dust clouds of the Wrangell Mountain Air buses while my stomach retaliated from my lunch choices.  Running over the footbridges sounds the same as it did two years ago, but this time only slightly slower in its rhythm.  The run uphill was stand

ard, with more soreness being exposed after each mile.  Overall it was a very good run, but my fitness definitely needs improvement.

After Justine got off work at 9:30, Liv, Justine, and I dug out our flashlights and found ourselves a mill tour.  Access to the mill was easier than it was in 2006, walking in through an unlocked door on the 8th floor rather than climbing over the walls of the 16th floor.  We snaked our way to the top, finding 

a few secret places I was previously unaware of.  Generally speaking, the mill’s unchanged from how I left it two years ago.

Making our way to the ground level 19 floors below, some of 

Justine’s co-workers tried startling us from the shadows.  Not wanting to give them the pleasure of a good scare, we walked out the front door of the mill, completely avoiding their shenanigans.

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