Thursday, July 17, 2008

Denver, Colorado

Day 31

Things started out early again with a 45 minute run in Cherry Creek State Park between Aurora and Denver.  The altitude was a minor issue today and the run went better than expected.  The park was decent but I hoped for better.  And there was the ever present threat of snakes advertised quite frequently along the trail.

Chip drove us to the 9 Mile train stop near their house where we embarked for Denver.  Denver was a fairly pleasant city and the 16th Street area was overly capitalistic and typically touristic.  We visited the Denver MoMA, which was housed in an impressive space but dissatisfyingly small and unapproved by Liv.  The Tattered Cover bookstore was considerably better and it's free status made it a quality stop. 

Back in Aurora, we ate a quick meal with Chip and Alyssa then attempted to find internet (and failed) and a movie theater (finally succeeding after 90 minutes of driving).   Having a few beers and nachos, we watched Wall-E in a theater that was entirely empty and very enjoyable.

Wall-E was a very pleasing film and it's direct finger pointing at the obesity in America was amazing.   Good work Pixar (or Disney or whoever made it). 

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