Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Sequoia National Park, California

Day 44

Liv laid down the law on the obnoxious kids parading through our site before we got up.  It was awesome but the Korean family's overly disrespectful antics led us to move to a more secluded site.  After breakfast, we took the shuttle to Moro Rock, a massive monolith where we climbed to the top and took in the impressive view below.  I explored the sequoia grove around Moro Rock, but Liv staid back due to a case of bearanoia.
We hiked the easy trails around the museum (high quality museum) and watched the SUV crowd corner a bear between the parking lots and road while they vied for pictures.  Idiots.  Walking around the Sequoia Marsh, we met a second bear napping in the grass.  He was relaxed by our presence and continued sleeping as more cameras were unholstered.

I took a late afternoon run to Toulamine Falls where the hikers I passed warned of a grizzly on the trail.  I saw nothing but did my best to make more than enough noise.  A very beautiful run and the legs felt excellent at the high elevation.

Again, I closed out the day with a swim in Toulamine Stream and nearly froze my ass off.

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