Monday, July 14, 2008

Guernsey SP to Cheyenne, WY to Rocky Mountain National Park

Day 28
Again, I started things out in good form by running 8 miles through Guernsey Gorge as the sun came up.  The only problem was I ran the entire thing visualizing a mountain lion jumping off the cliffs the road cut itself from and having a morning snack of my face.  Thankfully, the only wildlife I passed was a wounded baby bird in the middle of the road (who was safely moved out of harm's way). 
The best part about the run was last night it was too dark to tell why this area of Wyoming was a state park.  With the sun up it was obvious: the Platte River had sculpted itself a very nice canyon and the place was spectacular.  And, our omnipotent Bureau of Land Management had decided that the Platte made such a nice canyon they would put a dam in it and make a nice little lake.   Well, the lake was low, the dam unfavorable, and the water looked pretty skanky.
Leaving Guernsey, we took I-25 south towards Colorado, taking a library stop in Cheyenne.  Well, missed the turn for the library and in the process we witnessed a F-150 crash through a brick sign for the Wyoming Air National Guard Base, then we witnessed the driver start seizing.  Pulling a rather dangerous u-turn in the middle of the intersection, I put the Wagon off the road and tended to the victims while calling in the crash.  The driver was semi-conscious and incoherent with some pretty good cuts to his face.  His passenger, a boy no older than 3 years, was crying but mostly unhurt.  
Within a few minutes solders from the air base arrived, as did two crash-rescue trucks, two engine companies from Cheyenne, the police, and an ambulance.  A woman paramedic started tending to the driver (at this point obviously shit-faced) and began giving him some paramedic street justice.  With everything out of our hands, we found a grocery store and restocked. Liv remained pretty shaken up by the ordeal for a  few more hours.  Rightfully so; apparently just prior to the crash the driver was hanging out of his window, shouting, and fist pumping.  Conveniently, he's in jail now and the state probably has his child.  Good work being hammed at 9AM on a Monday.
Anyways, back on the road, we drove through Big Thompson Gorge into Estes Park, Colorado.  Very beautiful gorge.  We found a shower at the greatest laundromat in America then found a campsite at Longs Peak Campground in Rocky Mountain National Park after the gate attendant told us the park was full.  HA!

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