Sunday, July 6, 2008

Shebbon, IL to Savanna, IL

Day 20

Shebbona turns out to be a stupidly hot place and our morning run lacked shade and had plenty of heat stroke.  The trails were decent but the limited number of trees was sub-par.  Packing the car, we drove to Mississippi Palisades State Park on the Mississippi River
 in Savanna, Illinois.  We took a short lunch in Dixon (Ragen's childhoo
d home) and watched the town's Independence Day parade.  It was quintessential America.  The continuing drive to Mississippi Palisades was enjoyable and hillier than I expected.

The state park was massive and 95% empty, giving us free reign to choose our site.   
Our laundry, being nearly overdue, was done in the cooler, a shockingly effective method of cleansing.  Dinner was an amalgam of eggs and beans, followed by a drive up the palisades as the sun set.

Our laundry however had no chance of drying as the most intense lightning storm rolled through around midnight.  Liv was convinced we were caught in a tornado.  Regardless of the weather system, the tent held up just fine.

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