Sunday, July 13, 2008

Horse Thief Lake C.G. to Wind Cave National Park to Guernsey State Park, Guernsey, Wyoming

Day 27

The morning started out proper: a dawn run of 6 miles over horse trails in the Black Hills with temperatures around 50.  Getting back to the tent in time for our ignorant neighbors to wake up (and they seemed to be toting guns this fine morning), Liv had pancakes going on the stove and camp slightly packed up.
Next, we were off to Custer State Park to hike around Sylvan Lake then up Little Devil's Tower.  The artificial lake's absolutely gorgeous with towering rock spires poking out of the water.  The hike up Little Devil's Tower was easy but hot and the view South Dakota's second highest peak (about 7000').
Afterwards we drove the Needles Highway, a spectacular road winding through the rock spires and cutting through 9' wide blind-turn tunnels.  

 The wagon made it through just fine.  We cut off the Needles and drove the Wilderness Loop searching for bison...and after 30 minutes of only seeing prong-horned antelope we found a bison herd crossing the Needles and causing a traffic jam.  A majority of the drivers just patiently watched the animals pass, but (as expected) some F-550 with Texas plates bombed through the herd because damn it! he had places to go and fuel to burn.

Seeing the bison was a highlight of the trip that will not be forgotten.

The remainder of the dive to Wind Cave National Park (4th largest cave in the world) we passed more bison herds, prairie dog towns, and prong horned antelopes.  At Wind Cave we took the Fairgrounds Tour along a 1 3/4 mile lit trail that was very scenic, the guide very repetitive, the babies very obnoxious, and very dark when the shut the lights out.  Honestly, the interior of an unlit cave is darker than if you just closed your eyes at night.  When they turned the lights back on after 5 minutes we were able to see the beautiful boxwork, nailheadspar, frostwork, popcorn, and geodes as the tour left the cave and Liv and I dragged behind to tour at our own pace.  Most enjoyable.
Leaving Wind Cave, we took a sandwich stop in Hot Springs, SD then drove west on SR 18 into Wyoming and out of the Black Hills.  The forests were replaced by prairies and Wyoming proved to be one vast empty space with one hell of a sunset.  

By 10PM we pulled into Guernsey State Park in Guernsey, WY and found a campsite in a very empty (and spooky) park.  Today was long but very topnotch.

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